Harmony in Motion: The Cosmic Dance of Hummingbirds


This image is a symphony of colour and energy, pulsating with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. At its heart, two hummingbirds are captured in a mirrored pose, and their wings outstretched in a dynamic display of symmetry and grace. The birds are adorned with a spectrum of iridescent colours that flow seamlessly into one another, each feather a stroke of vibrant paint on the canvas of creation.

Around them, the background swirls with celestial motifs and psychedelic patterns, evoking the intricate mandalas of a spiritual realm. The colour palette is a rich tapestry of warm purples, fiery oranges, deep blues, and glowing yellows, suggesting a universe alive with the energy of love and light.

Available sizes:
50cm x 50cm – $3,300
100cm x 100cm – $6,500
138cm x 138cm – $9,600


This image is a symphony of colour and energy, pulsating with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. At its heart, two hummingbirds are captured in a mirrored pose, and their wings outstretched in a dynamic display of symmetry and grace. The birds are adorned with a spectrum of iridescent colours that flow seamlessly into one another, each feather a stroke of vibrant paint on the canvas of creation.

Around them, the background swirls with celestial motifs and psychedelic patterns, evoking the intricate mandalas of a spiritual realm. The colour palette is a rich tapestry of warm purples, fiery oranges, deep blues, and glowing yellows, suggesting a universe alive with the energy of love and light.

Central to the composition is the imagery of hearts, from the smallest to the largest, radiating outwards and connecting the birds to the grander design. The largest heart cradles the sun, a symbol of life and vitality, its rays intermingling with the stars and spirals that dance around it.

This piece is an ode to the interconnectedness of all things, a visual representation of the universe’s heartbeat in which these tiny avian dancers participate. It’s a celebration of love’s eternal and universal language, transcending the physical and resonating through the very fabric of existence.

Additional information

Square Size

50cm x 50cm, 100cm x 100cm, 138cm x 138cm